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Baxter Center for Science Education


About Us

The Baxter Center for Science Education is a collaborative partnership between Lindbloom Math & Science Academy, the Office of STEM Education Partnerships (OSEP) at Northwestern University, and Baxter International Inc. Our goal is to connect students to real-world scientific experiences and train teachers to implement authentic and engaging life science programs in their schools.

How We Work

Center Staff are based at Lindblom and work to support the school's Science and Career and Technical Education (CTE) departments. This includes both finding and hosting professional development opportunities for Lindblom faculty, providing ongoing support to the science courses (lab prep, in-class assistance, finding resources, ordering materials, etc.), grant writing, providing a clearinghouse for learning opportunities for students, and making connections between faculty, students, scientists, and industry partners.
The Center also works with Lindblom teachers to pilot innovative new curricula within their classrooms, such as that used in the Biotechnology course. Lindblom teachers become leaders within the district and share these innovations throughout CPS and beyond.