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The CIWP - (Continuous Improvement Work Plan) - which needs YOUR input throughout the school year for the Principal to consider.  It is NOW AVAILABLE on our site.  Click the link for access. Please take the time to look at the existing plan, and share your thoughts with us at the PAC meetings.  As it is appropriately titled, it's a CONTINUOUS improvement plan, that needs continuous updates & input from parents regarding how the school plans to educate our children and how PAC can be a support in those efforts.  

We need your feedback to help us serve LMSA parents better.
Help us, Help you, Help them...
LMSA Parents travel in PAC's! 

The Office of Faith Based Initiatives (OFBI), under the leadership of Rev. Renaldo Kyles is committed and dedicated to bridging the gaps between Chicago Public Schools and the faith based communities of Chicago. Our mission is to establish effective partnerships with faith based institutions city-wide. We understand the role of faith-based leaders as valuable resources, and know that these partnerships actively engage the community and contribute towards the success of our students and schools. OFBI has several programmatic branches: Safe Haven (more details below), Crisis Training, The Church Adopt-a-School, and Capacity Building Training. 
(SOAR) - Seeking Online Access to Resources
The SOAR portal provides a variety of subscription online databases through the Chicago Public Schools libraries.
The portal includes the Elementary Virtual Library and High School Virtual Library, through which students have access to over 12,000 eBooks and other digital artifacts that are available from school and home.

Assessment purposes & dates
Be better informed about the assessments your child given. Help your student prepare by knowing when they are administered in the district. A good nights rest, a good breakfast can help your child achieve the growth & attainment levels necessary to be successful in high school and beyond.

Research shows that children who spend more time on homework, on average, do better in school. Homework:
Teaches responsibility–Doing homework every day at the same time helps students develop responsibility and prepares them for adulthood.
Provides reinforcement–Helps students understand that learning doesn't stop when the school bell rings.
Boosts self-esteem–Students learn self-esteem by completing assignments on time and by being prepared for school.
Leads to accomplishments–Taking pride in homework assignments help students experience the satisfaction of a job well done.

Las investigaciones muestran que los niños que pasan más tiempo en las tareas, en promedio, tienen mejor rendimiento escolar . deberes :
Enseña responsabilidad - Hacer la tarea todos los días al mismo tiempo ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar la responsabilidad y los prepara para la vida adulta .
Proporciona refuerzo - Ayuda a los estudiantes a entender que el aprendizaje no se detiene cuando suena la campana de la escuela .
Aumenta la autoestima -Los estudiantes aprenden la autoestima por completar las tareas a tiempo y por la preparación para la escuela.
Conduce a los logros de toma de orgullo en las tareas escolares ayudan a los estudiantes experimentan la satisfacción de un trabajo bien hecho.

This link provides parents with an overview of how to access and use Jumpro.pe's parent portal. You should have received your login from the school by now. If you have not, your child has the same login credentials which can get you into the portal also.
School Forms & Documents

Service-learning is a teaching strategy that connects classroom curriculum with service projects. Service-learning engages students in projects that serve the community while building social, civic, and academic skills.

Watch this 3 minute video putting Common Core Standards in a simple to understand format so you know what to look for on your child's report cards, what to ask teachers, and how you can assist your child in their weak areas while continuing to build on their strong suits. 

Any student interested in applying to the Lindblom Math & Science Academy Academic Center for the 2017-2018 school year should apply directly through the 
Office of Access and Enrollment. 
OAE Contact Info:
 773-553-2060 (phone)
[email protected] (email)
42 W. Madison St., Chicago, IL 60602 (office address)
Please view their website for specific application instructions, or follow the steps below (noting important deadlines):
1) Request a PIN HERE https://apply.cps.edu/ by NOVEMBER 28.
2) Once you have the PIN, return to this site https://apply.cps.edu/ and click "Returning User" to schedule yourself for the selective enrollment exam.
The selective enrollment exams for all academic centers will all be administered at Illinois Institute of Technology.
3) Submit your application for up to 6 schools by DECEMBER 9. You may schedule your exam and submit your application(s) at the same time; you DO NOT need to wait to take the exam before completing the application. It is recommended to complete steps 2 and 3 at the same time!
4) Selections will be made by the Office of Access & Enrollment by April 3, 2017. Please keep in mind that selections are made based on a combination of students' scores on the selective enrollment exam, their 5th grade cumulative averages for the year, and their 5th grade Spring NWEA scores. If you apply online (recommended), you should be able to view your child's notification letter on the online portal on April 3, 2017. 

Parents should use this link to update their contact information and child's grade level so that PAC meetings, events, and other grade level appropriate information can be provided to them. Also you can determine how you would like to receive the information being provided: Text, email, or robo-call.