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PBL Glossary

Assessment: This can mean either a formative or summative evaluation of the student's ability to understand the content or concept or perform a skill. 
Formative Assessment: This is an early evaluation of the student's ability to understand the content or concept or perform a skill and the student will have other opportunities to show improvement on the performance indicator. 
Domain: This is the overall category that houses performance indicators. For some course teams there is only one category while others have two based on content and skills. 
Habits of Lifelong Learning (HoLL): These are research-based habits of mind that we measure separately from the academic performance indicators but are directly related to the ability of a student to be successful long term. 
Jumpro.pe: This is the score reporting software system we use to help communicate student achievement on performance indicators for each course. 
Performance Indicator: A Performance Indicator is a concrete action or skill that a student should be able to perform once they understand or have mastered course material. Different levels of mastery are described in scoring criteria developed by instructors, and students are assessed on multiple Performance Indicators per semester in each course.  Each content department (English, Math, History, Fine Arts, etc.) have developed their Performance Indicators based upon the academic standards for their content area.  The Performance Indicators are aligned so that they increase in difficulty and complexity from grade 7 until graduation. Performance Indicators are designed so that once a student is proficient in the Performance Indicators for a class, they have the skills necessary to understand and be successful in the next level of the course.
Power Law: Lindblom uses a formula called the Power Law to calculate an overall Performance Indicator score. Power Law is based upon educational research by Dr. Robert Marzano.  Dr. Marzano is an extremely well regarded educational expert whose research drives educational practice and policy throughout the United States. Power Law provides a score that is reflection of what the student currently knows or can do based upon assessment results. The score for a Performance Indicator is meant to be an indication of the student’s current skill level. 
Practice: These are opportunities for students to attempt to show their understanding or perform the skill that allows for feedback without a score in jumpro.pe. 
Proficiency-Based Learning: A philosophy of teaching, learning, and grading that emphasizes rigor and depth of understanding. With transparent grades that are categorized by distinct skills and knowledge, all stakeholders know specific areas of success and needed growth in both academic and non-academic learning. Flexibility, regular feedback, and multiple assessment opportunities allow students to realize that learning is a process where they can meet high expectations at their own pace. Through their success, students become intrinsically motivated by owning their learning and applying it to the real world. 
Retake / Reassessment: Students are able to take a new version of the assessment. 
Revision: Students are able to use the feedback provided to improve their work. Some classes use revisions to update students scores for that assessment. 
Scoring Criteria: These are concise, written descriptions of the gradations of proficiency for the knowledge or skill of that performance indicator.
Summative Assessment: This is a final evaluation of student learning. Summative assessments cannot be revised or retaken.