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What is Proficiency Based Learning?

LINK: Back to School Night Presentation

What is Proficiency Based Learning (PBL)?
Lindblom's Proficiency-Based Learning is a philosophy of teaching, learning, and grading that emphasizes both rigor and depth of understanding. Grades are intended to reflect the mastery of distinct skills and knowledge, helping stakeholders to identify areas where they are successful and areas in which they need to improve in both academic and non-academic learning. Flexibility, regular feedback, and multiple opportunities to demonstrate knowledge allow students to realize that learning is a process where they can meet high expectations at their own pace. Through their success, students become intrinsically motivated by taking ownership of their learning and applying it to the real world.
  • What does that actually mean?
    • Each course identifies concrete actions that a student should be able to perform once they understand course material, called Performance Indicators. Each Performance Indicator has clear scoring criteria that describe what a student must know or be able to do for each scoring level to ensure that assessments are fair and transparent.
    • Students are provided with feedback and scores for both academic skills/content and social-emotional/executive functioning skills that we call Habits of Lifelong Learners (HoLLs). HoLLs scores are intended to help students identify areas for improvement.
  • Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning. Since skills get better with practice, each Performance Indicator is assessed multiple times per semester. If students do poorly the first time, they are able to revise their work and learn from their mistakes.
  • Students are given the flexibility to choose which teachers to get additional help from through flex periods on colloqium days. This allows students to take ownership of their learning and get help in areas where they need to improve.